Human Library

Coming in October 19th 2024

Human Library Poster Image

The Human Library creates a safe space to "check out" a Human Book and have honest conversations that explore the stereotypes and prejudices in society. Human Books hail from all walks of life - those who have been stereotyped or experienced prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, class, gender identity, lifestyle choices, disability, or other differences.

Participants at the event 'read' the books  by way of a one-on-one or small group conversations with the volunteer to learn about their experiences wtih discrimination.  The Human Library provides the opportunity for attendees to listen, share, and ask questions of people they may never have spoken to otherwise.

Come with questions and an open mind. You can come to event anytime between 10 AM and 2 PM to "read". Readings are approximately 25 minutes for each book, so plan accordingly.

Coming again in October 19th of 2024




Our first and second Human Library events in 2019 and 2022 were a tremendous success. By its nature, the event is a
challenge in that it asks attendees to be open minded and question their beliefs - to talk about taboo, uncomfortable, sometimes painful topics.

It was apparent through both  facilitating the event and reading reviews afterward, that the topics addressed brought about real emotion in both "books" and readers, and effectively encouraged understanding and empathy on the part of all involved.
It was moving to host an event that is so directly dedicated to improving our community. We look forward to hosting the event again in 2024!


Think you'd make a good book?

Fill out this form: Be a Book

Read the press from our 2019 and 2022 Human Library